Main Club Golf Section

Welcome from Michael McGowan – Club Captain 2024


On behalf of the Golf Committee and Members, I wish you a very warm welcome to our club.

There is something on offer here for everyone, regardless of your golfing ability.

As your Captain for 2024, I will do everything I can to ensure that you get the most out of your membership.

I have a huge passion for the game of Golf and since becoming a Member of Stock Brook Manor, I have had involvement with most areas of the club one way or another. I will be very happy to pass on my knowledge to you. I can help you meet other members, obtain a golfing handicap, get involved with Club Competitions, Social Events and maybe represent our Club in its various inter-club Team Competitions.

When you see me around the club, come and say hello, or if you would like to sit down and have a chat about anything, please drop me an email at

If you are fairly new to the Golf, please don’t feel daunted or intimidated, everybody started somewhere. Don’t be fooled into thinking everyone who is a member of a golf club is good at golf too!

Best wishes for a good golfing year.

Michael McGowan
Club Captain


StockBrook Golf Club